Let me give you my 'running' history..better than that, let me give you my race history! It consists of two 5k runs and well...that is about it! The first run that I was a part of was several years ago. As I tend to do, I mark things by how many children I had and how old they were. I ran this race when I only had Alyssa and she was probably 18 months old. Soon after that race I found out I was pregnant with Bryson. which happened to end my racing and running on purpose. For several years I found it best to not run unless someone or something was chasing you. Considering that has not happened, I really found no reason to race. Until this past year.
This year I ran the Susan G Komen Race For the Cure! When I say ran we all know that I mean ran, trotted, walked, etc. BUT I made it across the finish line. We have had so many people that we know battle breast cancer. From family members to precious friends we have seen this disease fought and overcome! Words can not express how very much I respect and admire each of these women! It is an honor to watch their walk with the Lord and their trust in Him!! So..this race and these women caused me to get up off of my rear and attempt to run this race. Let me give you a small glimpse of how the day went:
After signing up and flipping out about the fact that there was no turning back we all got in line! It appears that most people didn't look as freaked as I was. I started to feel ok. Then I saw this sign..
REALLY? Was this like an alternative route or do people actually run a mile in 6 minutes. Once I opened my eyes and looked at the people around me...it was CLEAR that these people could rock out a mile in 6 minutes easy! So...I stepped WAY on back in the crowd of non runners! No shame in it!

So here is the starting line and I'm nowhere to be found! I'm somewhere lost in the mix!

This happens to be my favorite picture from race day! This is my sister Amanda, she has spent all 28 of my existing years trying to watch out for me. This day was no different. She knew I was a little nervous and this is just her! Looking back to make sure I was ok. I assure you that this was the first and only time that she looked back and actually saw me behind her...as they had JUST blown the whistle and we all got going. Within seconds she was well on her way ( after making sure I was ok and not scared to death anymore) The rest of the day was spent with me watching several people's little rear ends as they passed!

I passed my brother in law Matt...as he was heading BACK towards the finish line. So, obviously he was one of those near 6 minute mile guys. Although this picture makes him look like he is ready to do a cheer...Im sure he is doing something that runners do after a race. My arms felt to heavy to lift after the race so...maybe next time!
Here is my sis crossing the line..and looking angry :) Haha...or just worn out! Im lucky to have these two crazy racers in the family. They waited two whole days at the finish line on me ( not really) but they did wait on me, ran back to me and ran with me through the finish line! What a team! The camera guy had already gone home by the time I crossed the finish line! NO LIE :) So...J103 5k here I come...slowly but surely that is :) I will still not be at the front of the pack but I WILL be there. I consider it a plus when I live through it and don't throw up in front of people!
This brings me to now! I worked at my dad's store a lot this year and standing on the hard floor in my super cute flats left my foot less than running ready! I actually went to the doctor this morning and had to get a cortizone shot in my heel! REALLY running world?!?! I hope this is worth it! I am one tough cookie I think...and this is hurting pretty bad tonight! We shall see how the night goes! Hopefully I will be pain free and ready to train again this upcoming week!