When you've been near me
Could you hear them
When you pass me in the hall or the store
Have you seen them behind me
When I stand in front of you leading worship
Did the bright metallic color of my chains not
cast such a distracting glare
To speak of freedom is much different than
living in freedom
Have you seen how bound I am
Or does the sound of the metal clanging behind my every
step get covered by my smile
You speak to who you assume I am
In reality you are speaking to a prisoner
You are speaking to a woman that has
been so very crippled by the weight of my chains
that it has threatened to dim even the brightest of lights in my life
These chains have been being put in place for over a decade
Some look like harsh words. Those are the ones I never
realized were tightening with every step I took
Sinking deep into the
very heartbeat of ALL that I thought of myself.
Then there were the shackles of adultery
sitting and listening to someone again and again
tell you that you are not what they want and never were
The thickest chain is the one that says you weren't worth
coming back or fighting for
Those chains caused lasting questions that continue to sink
deep into the very heartbeat of ALL that I think about
love, trust and security
Then there is the chain of losing Chloe and Eli
The loss of those two when it was so clear that the Lord
had called me to pursue them
The clanging of that chain behind me is often louder than the rest
That battle for those babies, the loss of them has caused
questions that sink into the very heartbeat of ALL that I think about
God's love for me, His desire to bless me, His desire to use
something other than suffering to bring Himself glory through my life
The truth is that the events are difficult
However, it is the lasting questions that those things
have caused that have made me the most uncertain
They've made each day a battle for me
My mind is a constant war zone
Those things in most people's life that are just assumed
Those are the things that terrify me the most
As the Lord brought Derek into my life
I was amazed and terrified
Risking love and loss are almost crippling to me
However, I knew with clear certainty that the Lord had
placed this man in my life.
I saw him pursue me with great integrity and love
I have still had incredibly low moments of fear
I have attempted to push him away more times than
I can count.
Its easier to push someone away before they push you away
How it breaks my heart to admit that has been me at my
darkest of moments
However, those are the times when I've seen his true
commitment and love for me. When I've been so terrified to
be loved or love...he is steadfast and presses on
He is the gospel to me
The Lord called me to love him, marry him and make my life
with him. So, stepping out in trust I walked down the aisle to
be his wife.
I find myself sitting in Zamia fearing many of the same things
that I feared upon Derek entering my world
The chains of fear have had their grip on me
So, sitting in the full pile of metal
wrapped from head to toe in shackles and chains
is when we received the message on the boys
It seemed like horrible timing for me personally
I had recently been walking through counseling for PTSD
and felt that I was seeing the slightest of improvements
That's when the Lord asked me..and my family
to step out and risk again
I told the Lord how I wasn't ready
How my heart isn't healed
How I still have plenty of moments where I can't move
or trust simply out of fear
Yet He called us anyway
He made a way in my chaos
and cleared the path before us to bring us to where we are
I have walked this journey with little desire
to allow myself to be all in
HOPE is a scary thing for me
The moment I would become excited about the possibility of
bringing these boys home, is the exact moment
fear would rear its head and another chain would
take hold of my heart
God knew this would be my heart
He knew my fear would need to be overcome
in the mightiest of ways
He sees me RIGHT where I am
Through it all, I have seen the hand of God
I've not really questioned who He is
I've simply questioned who I am to Him
Those questions have been answered a thousands times over
He is allowing me to slowly put my heart on the line
He is making me brave enough to cuddle little ones tight
as though I'll never lose them
Hes allowing me to sing to them in my arms
with a heart that is filled with a love that a mother alone can have
He is breaking these cold hard chains that have taken
so much of my life
my joy
and so much of who I am
He is removing the chains and in their place
He gently rubs a soothing
balm of love and hope
He is whispering to my heart that freedom comes with
letting go
truly letting go means taking hold of ALL that He is
and ALL that He says I am
Its stepping out and trusting just enough to get on a plane
Knowing He will handle the rest
Its stepping out and loving again a man
Its stepping out and loving two children
Its allowing Him to lead me through the maze of fear
and remove chains as He sees fit
This journey is larger than adoption
I've said it once...but I feel I can't say it enough
He brought us here to heal, to hear His voice
and see Him work in mighty ways!
May He continue to remove the chains that sin, lies and hurt
have put in place
May he tear down the walls that I've built to protect my heart
May He continue to give STRENGTH for today
and BRIGHT HOPE for tomorrow
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