Sunday, April 24, 2016

No Longer Slaves

One Day
My head and my heart will understand that I am safe
truly and completely safe
 I've cried out so often
for the Lord to  take this from me. To heal my heart
and my head. I've fought so hard to try and "fix"
 my brain. I have tried to rewire it in any way I can think of
I've tried everything I know to do...everything...
  I just can't fix this broken piece of me
and for whatever reason the Lord has allowed me to
continue walking in brokenness in this area of my life
I began singing through this song in order to practice
and prepare to sing it Sunday
I couldn't help but feel strange singing it
"Im no longer a slave to fear"
Was I actually able to say that... truthfully?
I knew the answer was no
I had just walked out of the counselor's office
hours earlier
I picked up the phone and text Derek
I shared with him that I really didn't think I could
sing this song this week. I can't get up and proclaim
that Im no longer a slave to fear...when in reality
my life is crippled by fear
my life is completely controlled at times by it.
The song goes on to say
"You split the sea so I could walk right through it"
I also was sharing with him the reality that I didn't see the
Lord splitting any seas for us. In fact, at times
the waters seemed to rage harder than ever before
As Derek sits in Africa without the promise of children
coming home. There is no evidence some days of His hand
no clear displays of His power in these situations in my life
The Lord gently whispered the reminder to my heart of that next line
My heart was taken immediately to the reality that though I may not see His
hand, I am His and He is for me
and HE is on the MOVE
The picture of the Israelites came to mind.
They had just left Egypt
ahead of them was the sea
behind them was Pharaoh's army
They were not aware of God's plan's for them
They were not aware that He was on the move
in the midst of the chaos
They were overcome by the fear of what was seen
They assumed they were going to die... I mean, their
options were walk out into the ocean and drown
or fight Pharaoh's army. They had NO idea
that God was about to part the sea and allow
them to cross ON DRY GROUND
The Lord gently lead my heart to the reality that
He is working in ways that we may not see...
for an outcome that He knows is for our good
My heart aches that my brain is not better today
My heart aches that there is no clear answer to
the adoption of Luke and Levi
Im angry and sad that neither of those things seem to be
going well
However, He is working
The truth is that He is slowly peeling back the sea
in my life
one wave at a time
With each wave, He is healing
With each wave, He is drawing us nearer to Himself
With each and every wave He is making a way
With each wave, new paths are being marked in my brain
With each wave, He is preparing us for the journey ahead
It is hard to trust with the sea raging in front of you
Its difficult to not fear when Pharaoh's army is on your heels
our hope should never be placed in what we see
but we should CLING to what is unseen
So, this morning, I stood and sang
Im no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
You split the sea so I could walk right through it
You drown my fear in perfect love
I was able to sing those things truthfully
Not because things are going well or the way that I desire
Instead, I was able to sing those truths knowing that
I am HIS
How He chooses to part the waters
is not up to me
How He chooses to heal is not up to me
May I rest in knowing that He is on the move
and making a way in the wilderness
Was it not you who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep, who made a road in the depths of the sea so that the redeemed might cross over?
Isaiah 51:10

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