Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Devotion VS Deceit

Devotion :often selfless affection and dedication as to a person or principle; aherence
Deceit: the act or pratice of misrepresenting or concealing the truth;trickery; fraud 
By definition, these words appear to be in striking contrast to one another.
However,Sunday as I sat amoung the believers of my particular congregation
I was drawn to one word that our pastor used. He was quoting a verse from Luke 2 which
describes Simeon as a devout and righteous man. He then went on to define both of these words.
I began letting that one word..devout.. play around in my mind.
As quickly as it entered another word was rising in me
I immediately understood the purpose of this in my heart

I asked the Lord  under which definition  I fall
I struggle with performance based approval..I truly think I always have
I assumed people like me based on the way I looked, how well I could do
something or what I brought to the table. It took me about 29 years to realize...
people may just like me for me
However, while this is a lesson I have been learning with my peers it
happens to be an area with the Lord that apparently I haven't quite wrapped
my heart around. How could He love ME? I can quickly fall into my
performance based approval mode...which often leaves me void of true passion
and desire to serve the Lord but instead with a need to gain His approval.

In my case my heart truly desires to follow...not just believe in Jesus Christ
The Lord has shown me little by little what that actually
looks like. For so long I thought that it was about appearance. What could I
DO for the Lord. What a prideful attitude! I found myself counting church
attendance and involvement as my faith. I am not suggesting my heart wasn't
in this...no, in fact quite the opposite. I looked to the Lord and thought how
can I SHOW Him how much I love Him and my natural reaction was to DO
enough that He would value me.
It makes my heart sad to even write that because when I am still I know the
Father loves me based on NOTHING I have done or ever could do. However,
I deceived myself for years and struggle to this day feeling like I am devoted to the
Lord when in reality I am devoted to the church...the actual building and all that
it requires of me. I have been lost in my own deceit, so blided by my empty efforts.

I pray that God continues to remove the blinders from my eyes. I am grateful
that my Heavenly Father looks at me with eyes that are filled with compassion.
He watches lovingly as I strive to be enough
All the while speaking to my heart that I am enough because of His Son
I pray that I adhere to Him and His purpose.
I no longer want to settle

Isn't it great that God takes us as we are
He doesn't require the shiny polished version but instead He accepts all
of the cracks, dirt and our broken efforts and patiently strips away those things
that do not reflect Him. Loving us all the while


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