Monday, July 16, 2012

I think I've recovered

So, I thought that signing on for teaching Sunday School in the youth department would be JUST that

Oh, no ladies and gents, that is not it AT ALL
I have now signed up for kickball, blacklight dodgeball and now..

It has taken me a few days to write about this because quite frankly 
IM OLD and its not easy to recover from an all nighter

Well, we started the night at our church's gym at 9:00pm
stayed there for a few minutes going over a few rules
( that I don't remember) 
and then we headed out to the movie theater to watch Spiderman

We went from the theater to Partyville which happens to be a local inflatable FUN FILLED place owned by some great people at our church. Whew, we were there from about 2am-4am which was WAY past my bedtime. Then, we went back to church and played some four square and basketball
By WE...I clearly mean NOT ME! I was not participating at this point. I was simply trying to stay awake and not fall over. The students then played a few games of hide and seek ( or sardines) and then it was time for their mommas to pick them up.

Oh man, I am just now recovering but my sleep schedule is still 100% off! 

The thing I will say about this is that I had a great time. I am so excited about all that God is doing in and through the students at our church. They are amazing young people and have such amazing hearts. I continue to be impressed with their desire to love the Lord and others. It is an honor to be around them and walk through life with them.
They see my CRAZY and are TOTALLY not bothered by it :)
You gotta love that!

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