Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In HIS hands

 O LORD, you are our Father. 
We are the clay, you are the Potter;
 we are all the work of your hand.
Isaiah 64:8

I spent a little time ( and I do mean a LITTLE time) researching some information
on pottery clay. I found it interesting that the Lord chose to use this in Isaiah and wanted
to see for myself why I am so drawn to this verse lately.

You see, while my year has been filled with amazing highlights
there have also been several things that I would have preferred to not go through.
I know that the Bible tells us that God is working all things together for good to those who love Him. I trust that with all of my heart. As believers we are NOT kept from the heartaches and pains of the world.  We live in a fallen world and we are a fallen people. I stand in amazement of God's grace that He consistently shows me.
I believe that is why I was so taken by this photo. The idea that we are all a work of HIS hand is overwhelming to my frail mind. I can not fathom a love so great and a creator that would desire to continue molding and shaping me. 

Back to my 'research' on pottery clay.
I was so drawn in by the explanation of what clay is and how it is made. Basically we are told that clay is made of  fine grained minerals and is formed over time due to chemical weathering and hydrothermal activity. They ( whoever THEY are) said that clay is plastic when wet and firm when it dries. This is not for a science report so back off :)

This description gripped my heart. The scripture came to life for me in that moment
I see that I am a composition of many things
( the list could go on but I will let those few things soak in and spare you the rest)
The Father is soaking me with grace, drenching me with mercy and
gently shaping me with HIS HANDS
The times that have caused such hurt and heartache are those times when I can simply collapse into His grace. There He holds me close and continues spinning the Potter's wheel. The times when I turn from Him and choose to reject His love...
He never leaves me nor forsakes me...
He continues spinning the Potter's wheel. 
 I choose today to stand in awe of WHO HE IS
He is the Potter that is taking my weaknesses and using them for His glory
He is using the hurts in my life to shape a heart that understands grace

The end result of clay is that it becomes firm. It is SET and ready to be put on display
That is where I pray I will never be
You know where clay things are right?
shelves, end tables, flower beds

I pray that I always remain fully aware of the work that I am. I am not complete
I am also not a lump of useless clay
I am a masterpiece in the making!
HE is molding and shaping me and will continue doing so until 
I reach my HOME in Heaven

Who wants to be a SET clay pot on the shelf of their TEMPORARY home

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