Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WD-40 Gets the rusty out

I believe that I came to this journey with rusty armor

I truly felt that I had a pretty good grip on myself. I was so arrogant in thinking that! I knew that the Lord had called us to bring a little one into our family but when I got the green light from my husband, I took off running FULL FORCE, armor lumped in a rusty pile on the floor.

It was foolish of me to feel that I could walk/RUN into this journey with SELF shining.
I do such a pour job of humbling myself and daily asking God to help me walk this journey in the way that I should.
I feel that so often I get caught up in signing the next paper, making the next payment or waiting for the next email. I forget that there is an enemy that is walking around like a lion..looking for someone that he can devour. I have to remember to turn my life..EVERY part of it over to the Lord. I have to put on the armor of God. I would never walk on the battle field without the proper gear so why would I ever begin such a journey of faith with half of my armor hanging off. 

WHO KNOWS?!?! But ladies and gentlemen...I think I did

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