Yes indeed!
It is that MOST AWFUL time in my life again
when I am talked into participating in a race.
I thought being part of the HUMAN race would cover it but NO
Some people out there feel that actually running with others is fun
and encouraging.
If any of you have been following my crazy life for a while..
you may remember my running history.
For those of you that haven' can read that HERE
Sitting at dinner with my family one night, my brother in law Matt
pulled out his phone and showed us a race that he was participating in.
Watching the video I was immediately taken to a world without three children and
high school abilities. I had said yes before I even thought about it!
I went on my first run a few weeks ago and within the first FIVE miles ( oh, I mean MINUTES)
I knew that I had signed my life away! The reality hit when I thought I was running like this
For a while there I really felt the wind blowing through my hair,
my pulse was pumping and I was flying by every car I saw
Then something happened.
The wind stopped blowing, the light turned green and my heart actually began feeling like
it might explode. The light pumping that I had felt earlier was quickly taken over by a HARSH POUNDING...which basically was my body sobbing at this sudden desire to move faster than normal
I soon realized that i was no cheetah but instead
an OLD OLD lady
All I know is that so far my prep experiences have been less than ideal.
I took out to run the other night which ended up being LATE. So, I called
my brother in law and he said he would take me. No creepers for me!
So, we went downtown to run.
Immediately upon stepping out of the car, we heard the first quite clap of thunder.
It wasn't horrible and Matt laughed and made a comment about how we better hurry
Well, as you found out translation of hurry is not everyone elses :)
We had gone about 1.5 miles when the rain, thunder, lightening and WIND came down!
Something i HATE is wind. I know...that might be stupid but I really hate it. So, now
my fluffy self was running downtown, in the sideways rain, thunder and dodging lightening.
We had to head into a parking garage..were the security guard yelled that we should be running on the sidewalk NOT in the garage. ( Im pretty sure he was kidding) Then we made it to an ATM machine where we stood for a few minutes hoping the rain would decrease. IT ONLY GOT WORSE! We then sprinted ( and that for me is anything more than a jog) to the next inlet which happened to be a staircase. Standing there for a minute things got a little crazier. We then saw a man run by with only socks on. We looked down the road to see our next hole to duck into. It was a bank. We ran and stood there for a while. We still had 5 blocks or so to go. The wind was picking up and it wasn't getting better! There was a security guard standing inside and so Matt decided to leave me there with his phone ( that I didn't have the code for) and he sprinted and got the car. I stood there like a baby scared to DEATH, praying, tearing up and shaking. The security guard came close to the door at one point when the wind picked up but then went to sit back down. Ahh...then, MATT SHOWED UP!!!
So, this LONG story to say. This race better be worth it! I am hopeful that it isn't the death of me. I have been working hard and hope that I won't end up leaving in this
Only time will tell friends!
My thighs are worn out just thinking about this.
Ahhh...but there is hope
Does this book ring a bell :)
Just sayin!
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