Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ready, Set GLOW

 LIVE in the LIGHT

GLOW in the DARK

Who wouldn't have an amazing time at a

It was CRAZY! So many people worked SO hard to have a great night for our youth as well as youth in our community. We went into the night not sure exactly how many students would show up. The students continued pouring in  most of the night.

They were decked out in some major BATTLE gear. I was totally not prepared for the fierce outfits that I saw! Let me just say...I was intimidated. The students ( and adults) were decked out in everything florescent. They were ready for lights out. The AMAZING was added to by everyone decorating their faces, legs, shirts and everything else with highlighters. These kids looked awesome
and were having a GREAT TIME!

The thing that I loved most was that most of the students were visitors. We knew that
this would have a great impact but had no idea what God had in store
For the first bit the students chatted and played around...testing their dodgeball skills before the big 'T"
Also, warming up their time for cramps or weak 'girly' arms out there! After that, we all ate hamburgers and snacks. We then went into the praise room to hear the testimony of a student. Then Justin Deweese, our youth pastor, shared the Gospel. 

As he was speaking I simply felt the urge to PRAY!
The battle tonight was so much bigger than what was happening on the court. 
The battle for these students lives is FIERCE...stronger and more difficult than any battle they would face tonight.
When ETERNITY hangs in the balance, you can be assured the enemy wants nothing more than to distract, disrupt and destroy anything that the Holy Spirit could be doing.
I prayed, almost pleaded with the Lord to keep the enemy away for that moment. I prayed for lives to be changed!

FORTY THREE students...gave their lives to Christ tonight!!!
That is 43 more brothers and sisters in Christ TODAY! All of heaven is REJOICING tonight

Let us not grow apathetic to the LOST world around us! PEOPLE NEED CHRIST!!! We know HIM...why are we NOT sharing? I ask myself that same question often...

Here are two photos from tonight :)

Lights Up
 Game Time!!

We had our home study today...will chat about that tomorrow :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

In the still of the night

While most of you are tucked away in your beds sleeping...


It is an every night occurrence

From the moment that Cameron suggested we request information on the twins
my mind will NOT rest

As soon as I tuck my three little ones into their cozy beds, my mind immediately
travels to a place thousands of miles away

My heart and mind LONG to know

are these precious babies going to bed hungry

do they feel safe

has someone hugged them at all today

do they know they are loved

did someone tuck them in or do they even have a bed to sleep in

when they cry out at night, does someone run to comfort them

baby boy is coughing in the video that we he still sick?

are they cold, lonely, scared?

The questions swirl through my mind faster than I can grab hold of an answer

The knowledge that THEY ARE OUT a country that is known for its danger

Oh, this mommy  yearns for the day that I can know they are tucked in and sleeping upstairs, I long to know that I can sing them to sleep when they cry out at night.
We long for the day that we can wrap them in our arms and let them know THEY ARE LOVED.
We want to wrap baby boy in our arms and get him the medicine he needs to feel better.
We want them here with us

On the nights that the distance seems to far I am reminded that the Father is lovingly watching over and caring for these precious babies more than I ever could imagine. He loves them far more than I can comprehend and has loved them before I even knew them. He created them, loves them and longs for relationship with them.

In the midst of the chaos that lies in Congo...HE IS OUR MIGHTY WARRIOR, SHIELD AND DEFENDER

In the sorrow of the lonley nights in Congo...He IS the FRIEND THAT STICKS CLOSER THAN A BROTHER

In the worldy hunger they may face..HE is the BREAD OF LIFE

In sickness...HE IS OUR HEALER

In the orphanage where they wait for us...HE IS THE GREAT I AM


My arms are not more comforting than those of our Heavenly Father
My voice is not more soothing than the sound of HIS precious whispers of love
My home is not more safe than the palm of His hand

Sweet babies,
We are coming. We can not wait to hold you, show you how much we love you, and most of all we can not wait to tell you about your Heavenly Father that watched over you while we were on our journey to find you. We can not wait to lead you to the One who knit you together in your mother's womb and set you apart for such a special purpose!
You are special, beautiful and such a treasure!

Holding you in our hearts! MOMMY