Friday, November 30, 2012

O Christmas Tree

Tonight we began decorating our home for Christmas
and by that I really just mean that we put up our Christmas tree.
We didn't put one single decoration on it but it is officially UP :)
We had a WONDERFUL night doing it
Each year we go through the same routine. Every once in a while
we add a little something to make it great
This year it appears that mommy has flaked out a bit
No home made dinner, no Christmas music over the radio...
we ordered pizza
this momma rocked out vocals on every Christmas song I could remember
because we couldn't get our radio to play
but it was one of the greatest nights!
We baked cookies as usual and watched a great Christmas movie
We enjoyed every minute of being together and working as a team to get the tree up
Haha...obviously team building began to decline so we kicked out the ornaments for tonight
and will do those tomorrow.
The amazing thought is that if our adoption goes as expected, this will be our last Christmas as
a family of five.
While that is an exciting feeling and the next stage is greatly anticipated.
I wanted to really BE in the MOMENT tonight
Sometimes its so easy to long for, fight for and pour into our children that are without us that
we can look over some of the amazing moments that God has blessed us with.
I wanted to SEE my kiddos tonight.
Alyssa climbing on my lap while the boys handed the limbs to Cameron
Bryson was so excited to be such a big helper to his daddy
and Caleb just kept telling me how much he loved me.
I was with them tonight and loved every minute of it.
Of course our hearts constantly drift to a world that we know so little about
other than it holds two of the most precious people in the world. However,
tonight I was so thankful for those under my roof and eagerly anticipating
what this next several months hold

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ear Infection with a little Grief on the Side

It was such a small cry but this mommy hopped up and headed down the hall the very minute that I heard it.
Even at 2am, fresh out of a dead sleep, I knew the cry was coming from Bryson. 
He had mentioned earlier in the day that his ear felt funny. 
As most parents know...these things tend to get worse when all doctors are closed.
 I walked into his room and he was actually still sleeping but holding his ear and crying. 
Let me assure you those eyes didn't stay closed for long and his tiny cry quickly grew to the ear piercing stage.I ran and grabbed him some medicine and gave it to him. He just continued crying and I just hurt for him. 

I scooped him up and just cuddled him close ( because lets be moving houses I've lost my heating pad so I had to warm the old ear on mommy) 
As I cuddled him close I just rubbed his back and sang to him. 
I wanted to make the hurting go away and help him fall back to sleep
I just sang over the tears and loved him

While I was laying there next to him, I couldn't help but think how much I loved him
How I didn't mind being worn out the next day because I just wanted him to know I was there and that
in that moment...his ear hurting was way more important than me sleeping.

After he finally fell to sleep I walked out of his room and just sat in the hallway and cried
I found myself grieving for Eli and Chloe, two children that have potentially had to cry themselves to 
sleep many nights hurting, sad, and scared. I just wept for them. My heart aches deeply knowing
that again tonight they will be without their mommy to sing to them, without their daddy to tuck them in.
That is so hard. Their faces are constantly streaming through my head and heart. 
I want them to know just how much they are loved. 
I want them to know that they have been longed for, prayed for and fought for!!
For now, as their earthly mommy I have to place them yet again in the hands of their Heavenly Father.
Today is hard. It feels as though someone has my children and I can't get to them. They are 
in a world that I know little to nothing positive about. They are just not with me..even as I say that, again
the Father reminds me that He is with them. He loves them more than Cameron and I ever could imagine.

I continue to pray that a day quickly approaches when I can hold them, kiss them and let them know that 
they have a family that will never abandon them and of course more importantly that they have a Heavenly Father that will never abandon them. 

The strengthening of my faith continues.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hoping For GOOD news :)

We are hoping to get some GREAT news this week!
We have received our Adoption Deed but are still waiting on two documents
to come in from DRC
We are waiting on their Certificate of Non Appeal and the children's New Birth Certificates
Once all of those items are in the I600 approval can begin 
That process can go quickly or take quite a really never know!

With all of that being said...we have NO clue of when we will be heading to get our kiddos.
It could be December and it could be February 
We are just along for the ride 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Beauty In The Broken

Something that has captured me lately has been the idea of a broken bone.
Gross, I know!

However, I see that God is using that image to shape a new realization in my heart.
The idea of breaking a bone makes my entire body cringe.
The thought of the initial pressure and then the eventual snapping of the bone just sickens me
I truly can not imagine the pain

( moving on before you get too grossed out)

I heard something years ago that at the time I thought was interesting scientifically but had not really 
taken the time to think how it could relate to me spiritually. 
Now...I GET IT!
The statement was simply regarding a broken bone.
The person sharing stated that after a bone is broken it generally heals to be 
as strong if not stronger than it was before the break.
This seemed so strange to me. I had always assumed  that after a break, the bone would be
weak and fragile. Perhaps its use would even need to be restricted in some way.
However, this is obviously not the case. 
Upon a break the body immediately begins knitting itself back together
in order to heal the broken bone. Only the Creator could do such handy work.

This all brings me to the truth that God has been pressing into my heart for some time now.
While there are so many things in my life that are broken..and I mean BROKEN..not just cracked or slightly
damaged...I mean B.R.O.K.E.N. He is restoring me and knitting me back together in His time and with His strength running through all of those broken places.
God doesn't look at those things. No in fact, He has taken some of the most shattered pieces of my life and used them to pull me closer and closer to Him. Just as Scripture says COME to ME all who are weary and I will give you rest. In the hour of my brokenness He began restoring me. He began knitting my life and all the shattered pieces back together. While He held me in my brokenness the sound of His heartbeat filled the most empty places of my soul. When all I could do was give Him broken praise He continued breathing life into me. He was, even in what seemed to be my darkest hour, knitting me back together. Strengthening me through the storms of life. He never saw me as BROKEN..He always sees me as His own. I feel that He hurt for me but knew that these times would make me depend on Him more and desire His presence more.
I remember sitting in the car one day far longer than normal
I just couldn't find it in me to open that door and get out. I just sat there and began pouring my heart out to the Lord. I began saying EVERY emotion that came to my mind. Everything that I felt had been taken or broken. As I went through the list ( in what Im sure was such a childlike manner) The Father gently turned my whimpers of sorrow  into words of praise. I went from HURT to Healer... I went from DESPAIR to REDEEMER. He was restoring my soul one praise at a time.
While the hurt and sadness is never something that we would ask for on our own. When on the other side we can lift our hands and say Never Once Did We EVER walk alone!! I know that I can walk in confidence that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me more than I could imagine.
The years of my brokenness have brought me to a place of dependency on Him alone. The wounds are still healing but the restoration of my broken heart started LONG before I even knew it. He truly does make ALL things new.

I was never sure why God would call me..little ole me.. to be the mother to not only my three biological children, but to two children that have lived a life of such pain and hurt. Children that were born into brokenness. I was never sure if I was qualified and the thing that the Lord has shown me lately is this...
Im NOT qualified...Im not perfect! However, I understand brokenness. I understand a story that doesn't make sense and that seems hopeless. Even greater than those things, I now. TRULY understand the Lord that gives back the years the locusts have eaten. I understand to the core of my soul what its like to know that you and your story have been redeemed and made NEW.
That is why God has knit Chloe and Eli into our family. I trust that He will use the stories of our lives to knit us all together in only a way that He can. He will redeem their precious lives and they will not stay in brokenness. The Father is creating a story that is BEAUTIFUL! I choose to see the beauty. I know that there will be so much work to do on their little hearts when we get them but I see His hand in this and I trust Him to make ALL THINGS NEW!