Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Deeper Still

"Take me DEEPER than my feet would ever wander
that my faith would be made stronger
in the presence of my Savior"
I lay there as those words filled the dark room
The pain in my heart spilled over and saturated
my entire soul. The grief was so great and
I couldn't seem to find any comfort. I longed
for the Lord to come to me and dry my tears,
mend my heart immediately.
I BEGGED Him to Please provide relief
Please let this be as deep as I have to go
As quickly as the words spilled from my lips
His gentle answer filled my heart
and with it came the deepest sorrow
My heart knew immediately that His answer was No
Relief was not to come today and in that moment all  I knew
to do was let the tears fall and surrender to Him.
As the song continued playing
"take me deeper than my feet would ever wander"
My heart recognized His plan was for me to go
deeper still.
I wept for what was to come.
I felt fear creeping in as I quickly evaluated the only things I have left
Father if it is deeper You desire then deeper I will go
However, I knew, in my flesh I could not will my feet into motion
They are worn
Father if the cost of knowing you MORE is to lose more, love more or lay down more
then let me pay the small price willingly and find the joy in doing so
 My heart is willing, you will have to take me there
drag me if You must.
 I won't resist
Two weeks had gone by
it all hit at one time and the sorrow that it brought was deep
The night He called me to go deeper was because
He knew there was more to come
In His loving kindness, He prepared my heart and my will
to allow His purpose
 He knew that for this
He would not have to drag me
but I would go willingly a million times over
I would NEVER resist
No, in fact I would risk everything to go to the deepest parts of the water
because the deepest parts have required me to fully hand
over the only things I have left
my children
I sit back and watch helplessly as they wrestle with many
of the hurts, fears and sorrows that I have known.
Oh the depths that these babies have had to go
Yet the Father has shown me that every rushing tide that has threatened to consume
Every raging sea...has led me here. To the deepest waters
Where my heart breaks more than it ever has because I can not
make this better for them. I know the pain of it all and I can not
change it. I have to lift my hands to Him, Who loves them more
that I and say THANK YOU for giving me well over two years
to prepare to go into the deep with them. He is drying the ground
beneath our feet and showing us where to step. He is making a way
"Was it not you who dried up the sea,
the waters of the great deep
who made a road in the depths of the sea
so that the redeemed might cross over"
Isaiah 51:10
Our week has gone from incredibly low valleys
where anger, hurt and sorrow filled each of their hearts
To extremely amazing moments of praise and worship
As we climbed in bed last night we were all four reminded
 God will restore
He will heal
He will and is breathing life into these ruins
Bryson said we're a lot like a Jenga tower.
 People have knocked holes in us and now we've fallen
However, He says God has come to pick us up and rebuild
There could be no greater truth
To hear each of their hearts on it is so beautiful
To consider it PURE joy when we face trials
To be grateful that God has chosen  us to
go to the deepest parts of the water
To say that NO MATTER the cost
we know that He is faithful
To look to our future with excitement and trust
is such a blessing.
Sorrow lasts for a night...but JOY comes in the morning
Im well aware we will have many more nights where the
grief, loss and straight out crazy of it all overwhelms
but indeed the Lord has shown me that this is not the end
for this bunch!
We are kicking off a whole new chapter
Soaking wet from the previous ones but praising Him for making
all things new!
" The Lord will surely comfort Zion and
will look with compassion on ALL her ruins;
he will make her deserts like Eden
Her wastelands like the garden of the Lord
 Joy and gladness will be found in her
Thanksgiving and the sound of singing!"
Isaiah 51:3

Monday, August 12, 2013

"Please keep your truth alive and singing in my heart.
 Make me Hephzibah which means"my delight is in her"
 May I be poised for action like Esther
 may I be loyal and sacrificially faithful like Ruth
May I have Deborah's wisdom,
Mary's innocence,
Eve's unbroken relationship with You.  
Make me joyfully passionate like the woman at the well
unaffected and clear-sighted like the 'alabaster woman
 a student and devoted follower like Mary (Martha's sister).
Make me bold and adventurous like Rahab;
cunning and shrewd like Tamar--able to stand for justice.
 May I be used in spite of my sin like Bathsheeba and in spite of my weakness like the woman with the issue of blood.
 Lord, may I be beautiful and desired like the bride  in Solomon's songs.
 Fearless of change like Rebekah.
 The mother of nations like Sarah.
 May I be worth the fight like Rachel--Jacob's 14-year prize.  
I know that all of this is inside of me somewhere. All these women are tied together by the Holy Spirit--linked by Your story and filling and design. I know You can bring out this godliness in me.
Father, Make me a fierce opponent for the Devil, a mighty tool in Your hands. Make me humble and surrendered and broken to Your using--but solid and fearsome--a defender of the weak, releasing prisoners from darkness. I long to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with You!  Mold my heart towards these, Your desires for me.  I surrender to You" J.L.O
Thank you precious friend for this and all the other prayers that you prayed for me
all that time ago!
Today, I find great strength and encouragement from these words
Grateful for you and your love for the Father

Monday, August 5, 2013

3 1/2


Chloe and Eli turned 3 1/2 years old
this weekend
Of all that has been lost in recent years
this has been the most difficult for me to understand
It is hard for me to reason why the Father allowed me to care
so deeply for them. He watched as I opened up my heart to two
beautiful babies that He knew would never come home. He saw
my eyes light up every time I saw their faces. He listened as I begged
for their safety and care. He heard my heart skip a beat when I saw their
 smiles for the first time.
 He then saw my heart breaking when I
realized it was over. He saw me crumbled on the floor when I learned they would not
come home. He watched as I wept for children that I would never
hold. He listened as I cried and questioned.
I've had well meaning individuals ask me if I heard God wrong.
If indeed He was calling me to something else and I stepped out in
the wrong direction. While I understand their question and have even
asked God similar things. I know with complete confidence that God called
me to this journey. To those two specific children
 He called me to step out, He then showed me how to open my heart
to love them even though it may not end well. He was with me every step of the way
The hard part for me to understand is WHY?
Why in the world would He call me, allow me to set my hopes on them
coming home. When in reality, He saw the ending. He knew how it would all
play out.
However, the reality that sinks deep into the broken pieces of my heart is
 that He is God and I am not. While I can not see His hand in the larger
picture of their lives. I do see His heart for them. His provision. Though not what
I would have planned if it were all up to me.
 It was possibly never His plan for me to be
their mommy in the way that I had so greatly longed for.
I may never know what my role in their lives was, if any
 He does not have to explain to
me everything He chooses. Sometimes, He allows me to see and other times
He asks me to trust Him. Trust that His ways are higher. Trust that He
is Sovereign.
As quickly as the Why spills from my lips,
the Father pours in Truth
He loves me more than I can begin to wrap my heart around
He loves those two babies more than I ever possibly could
He does not set us on paths to watch us crumble
Instead He walks each step of the way knowing what is best for
our lives. He sees the end picture and He knows what will produce
in us the very heart that He longs for. In the end its not about
the result of a journey. Its about the day by day walking
and learning who He is that matters.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Handing Over The Ashes

The pieces fell so quickly
All that I felt was certain crumbled within moments
I found myself staring with great fear at the place I once stood
 now a pile of ashes scattered on the floor
 There was little  I recognized but was certain it was my life.
I knew in that moment, everything had changed
The reality was that my life would never look the same
For years I strived to form something familiar from the pile of ruins
Yet nothing I created would truly hold its form
The faster I would scoop a pile of ashes into my hands
the faster they would fall through my fingertips.
I would escape the dust fill my lungs with air
Only to find myself gasping for my next breath
All of my striving would not form a foundation to build on
Instead, my efforts were stirring the ashes and blinding me
The attempts to create life quickly began drowning me.
I felt suffocated by the weight I was carrying
It was simply too much
I would like to say that I recognized this quickly
however, it has taken well over two years to be
still and quiet enough
for the dust to settle and for me to hear the Father telling me to
Its Done
He has been pressing this into my heart for some time
I simply felt as though I didn't know how to obey
It felt weak to stop
It felt unfaithful to be still
Somewhere in my mind obedience equaled movement
Yet  as I write He whispers to my heart again
Let Go
Hand the ashes to me
So that is what I've done
I lay my life in His hands
It has been there all along
Yet I willingly submit to His will for the formation of this pile
He has already breathed life into me
The scattered and shattered pieces are taking form
They look nothing like they used to and like nothing I would have
expected. There is such beauty in that. He allowed me to strive
He allowed me to build knowing it would crumble
However, He held me knowing that when I stopped and handed
it all to Him willingly, that He would create from these ruins
a story far more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.
One heartbeat at a time
One breath at a time
One step
One smile
One laugh
He is bringing beauty from these ashes
 and for that I am grateful


Monday, July 22, 2013

The Lord Spoke to Job out of the Storm

"Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:
Brace yourself like a man
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
Would you discredit my justice?
Would you condemn me to justify yourself?
Do you have an arm like God's
and can your voice thunder like his?
Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor,
and clothe yourself in honor and majesty.
Unleash the fury of your wrath, look at every
proud man and bring him low.
Look at every proud man and humble him.
crush the wicked where they stand......"
Job 40:6

How I feel His presence so deeply these days. He is speaking to my heart
out of the storm. The chaos abounds and at times threatens to overwhelm.
However, God in his vast love for me is directing my heart to Him.

I found myself these past two days pleading for relief.
Asking God could there be another way
 My steps are weighted, My heart is heavy
and my soul longs for rest. I am tired of the fight.
However,  He speaks to my weary heart
and shows me that His work is not yet complete in me.
He is holding me even now. Though at times I question
His ways. I ultimately trust His heart. His relentless pursuit
of my whole life leaves me speechless. While I grapple
with how hard it has to be I hear Him speaking to me out of the storm.
For that I am grateful

As I read those verses this morning with tears streaming down my
face, I was reminded of Who I am dealing with. He is the Creator of
all. I question His ways because the process is all too painful at times.
Yet it is the pain and the process that will produce fruit that would never
be seen if I were not to walk this step by step. It would be easier at time
to close my eyes and wake up when its all over.
My prayer instead is that I would walk this road with my eyes
wide open. I want to see the mountains that stand in
my path. I want to see the challenge, feel every painful step. There will be
a time to look back and remember where I once was. I pray I stand in awe on
that day as I do on this one. Knowing that God is faithful. Trusting that
even now He is holding me.
Would I truly have it any other way?
Would I take an easier path in order to
gain selfish ground?
I trust that the difficulty of this journey is producing a heart
in me that is one tiny bit closer to His. So, while my body and mind
are weary and long for rest. My heart strengthens under the weight of
this. It is not of me and that is where I find courage, peace and comfort.
It is Christ in me.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Even In the VALLEY

 How easily praise spills from the lips of the one standing
on the mountaintop
I've been there many times
Praising the Lord, raising my hands and voice to boldly proclaim
all that He is. 
Telling the world just how good He has been to me
I shout His Name and rejoice in all that He has done
God is the God of the mountaintops right!?!
On those mountaintops I am "satisfied"
I claim to have a heart filled with devotion to Him
However, I now find myself asking
Is it true devotion to HIM
or is this devotion only to the One who orchestrates a life void of pain?

Far from the mountaintop is the lowest valley
Where the deafening sound of sorrow and pain fill the air
 What happens here?
What becomes of my praise to Him

When the world has taken almost all that made sense
When you feel  the Lord  had a one on one meeting with Satan himself
Will you  lift your hands in praise before the ones who seek you harm
and still proclaim that HE IS GOOD

How my heart has never ached in the way that it does now
My soul at times feels so worn and spent
However, one truth remains
even now

My heart is learning to be truly satisfied in Him alone
I can be hopeful because I know where my hope lies
I can look to my future and say not all is lost
because I know the One that redeems the years the
locusts have eaten.

The reality is that the valley is

A far greater reality is that
There is One that makes the broken things of this world

I must say that I can not always see the hand of God right now
but I FEEL Him. I know He is near to me. The valley is filled
with great sorrow but we know that sorrow lasts for the night...and JOY
comes in the morning.
Why do we mourn like those who have no HOPE?

I walk this road with confidence because I trust there is purpose in the valley
I pray that at the end of this  I look nothing like I do now
I pray that I am one step closer to the woman that He created me to be

SO today, I lift my hands in praise to Him
I boldly proclaim that HE IS FAITHFUL
He is loving
He is kind
He is close to the brokenhearted and
He is the GOD of my tomorrows


Friday, April 19, 2013

From the Bottom of My Heart

I can not thank each of you enough for all of the love and support that
you have shown over the past week.
My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude
I have received over 75 messages this week on facebook  
...countless phone calls, texts and emails and have
been attempting to respond to each....however, I've realized today that I can't
do it. Please know that my lack of an individual response is not a
reflection on my appreciation. I deeply appreciate every single kind
word. I have poured over the Scriptures that you have sent. I have
listened to some of the most amazing songs and sermons that so many of
you have suggested. They have flooded my soul with such beautiful
reminders that HE IS FAITHFUL!
At this time, I  find myself needing a little time to process.
I also appreciate the lunch, dinner, play date and vacation offers
someone even sent a vodka offer...( you know who you are :)
However, I am not in a place where I am ready for that right now.
I love that you each care enough to offer. Please know how grateful I am
and one day I will be happy to meet and grab a drink...probably diet coke :) but
I will be there one day...its just not today
The Lord has been placing some of the most amazing people in my life
for years who are here to walk this road with me.
 I've even added a few by force over the past
little bit :)
He has built around me a mighty fortress of friends and family that can
help carry me through this. Even with the priceless people He has placed
in my life I am having to lean solely on Him. At the end of the
day its just me and the Lord. He is my Sustainer...Strength..and
Comforter. He has to become my EVERYTHING and I have to be willing
to allow that.
So, please know that I am well taken care of but I need a little
time to be broken.
The greatest thing that you could do for me and my family at this time
is pray. If details elude you, that is most likely because I have not found it
important to share
So thank you again for all of your concern, your continual prayers and amazing support
It means the WORLD to me

Friday, April 12, 2013

They've always been HIS

This week I learned that Chloe and Eli will not be coming home

I will give no detail as this is private and very painful
I would appreciate you respecting my privacy during this time
and refrain from asking questions

I know that our journey to these two precious babies has been lived
so publicly. I know so many of you have loved us through each step
of this. Right now, I just ask for time and space.
My heart is breaking

I want each of you to know that I would appreciate your prayers for me
and my family. The losses seem too great.
However, I trust that the Father is working even now
 I trust that He will carry us through this

I choose to TRUST Him
because He faithful


Friday, April 5, 2013

He is Faithful


As I began this journey to Chloe and Eli I would have
never thought that I'd be sitting here tonight with empty
hands. I truly felt that I would be tucking two more precious
babies in the bed snuggling them close. I had pictured holding
their sweet faces in my hands and telling them every day forever
just how much they are loved. I can close my eyes and picture it now.
I had debated on bedtime songs and had landed firmly on
Jesus Loves Me & You are My sunshine
I wanted them to hear the name of Jesus and I wanted them to KNOW
his love for them...then you are my sunshine because I have been
singing that to my babies since Alyssa was born. Its a classic :)
I knew what I would say to them when I held them for the first time
I couldn't wait to land on DRC soil and know that this was the temporary home
that had held two of the most valuable treasures in my heart.
I can almost feel the weight of them in my arms. Their little hands on my
shoulder and their sweet cheeks pressed against mine. This is the aching heart of
a mommy.
I truly believed that the waiting and aching portion of the journey would be over
by now. I had it all planned out. I really did. I had bought them Christmas
pajamas and had hung them in their rooms. They would be home to celebrate
with us and i couldn't wait! Quickly that month faded into the next and into
the next. Now its April and the reality is that my reality is nothing like
I thought it would be.
Every day I open my eyes to a new hurt
a new loss has taken place of the one that yesterday brought
At times I sense the waters rising so high and at times they
threaten to overtake me. However, it is now that I cling to Him
While the earth seems to be unsteady and constantly giving way
around me...He is faithful!
Please know that He is good! Even in the midst of the unclear He is so
faithful. He allows the waters to rage yet He gives
a peace in the midst of it all. One that truly passes ALL
understanding.  He alone is good and He
alone is God. We truly live in a fallen world.
Sin affects us all.
 The sins
of others fall on us and change our world forever.
 Children don't come home,
families crumble, people break, wars wage, good people die, friendships end,
...The earth GIVES way
While those things around us seem to come at a rapid pace
and consume us...let us, in our pain, offer a sacrifice of praise to
the Father. For HE is GOOD.
I want people to look at my life and know that I believe that
Even when it all seems to fall apart I praise Him for I know He
has not abandoned me
I believe with ALL of my heart that God redeems those
places in our lives that seem so very broken.
He makes all things new!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Into the Deep

There are some lessons that can be learned from shore
yet there are others that have to be learned in the deepest parts of the water
In Luke 5 Jesus is walking along the shoreline
The crowd was gathering around Him, ready to listen and learn
He then saw two boats and got into one belonging to Simon
He pushed off the edge a bit and continued teaching
after He was done He told Simon to head out to the deeper part and
cast his net
Simon had been fishing all night with no luck!
However, he trusted and threw his nets over...
he then began catching so many fish that his nets began to break!
He signaled for his fishing partners in a boat near by and they too began collecting
so many fish that their boats began to sink
Simon fell to his knees and was amazed!!
Jesus could have shown Simon miracles on the shoreline
but He had to take him to the deep  to leave him speechless
Glory was further brought to the Father by the miracle
in the deep. Simon had been working all night...striving for results,
I can imagine the physical and mental exhaustion that must have come over
him as he struggled hour after hour. Putting all energy and efforts in with nothing to
show for it.
Sometimes the lessons can be learned on the shore and other times...
we have to be in the deep waters
of disappointment, sorrow and anger. We have to
cease striving and listen for the Father's voice to show us when
to cast our nets.  May it all be for His glory. No matter what that
looks like. May His name be known by the miracles in the deep
I want to be left speechless
I want to stand in awe of who He is
I want to have Him be the very air I breath and if
I can't learn it on the shoreline
I pray He would take me further into the deep
I would rather be in the deep waters  with HIM
than on the shore without Him.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Come To Me ~

I am the Lord your God
I go before you now
I stand beside you
and I'm all around you
and though you feel Im far away
Im closer than your breath
I am with you
more than you know
I am the Lord your peace
No evil will conquer you
Steady now your heart and mind
Come into my rest
And oh, let your faith arise
And lift up your weary head
I am with you
Wherever you go

Come to me, I’m all you need
Come to me, I’m everything
Come to me, I’m all you need
Come to me, I’m your everything

I am your anchor, in the wind and the waves
And I am your steadfast, so don’t be afraid
Though your heart and flesh may fail you
I’m your faithful strength
And I am with you
Wherever you go
Come to me, I’m all you need
Come to me, I’m your everything
Come to me, I’m all you need
Come to me, I’m your everything

Don’t look to the right or to the left, keep your eyes on me
You will not be shaken, you will not be moved

I am the hand to hold, I am the truth, I am the way
Just come to me, come to me
Cause I’m all that you need
I am reminded of Peter stepping onto the sea..
the waves crashed all around
His steps were first bold and brave
He stayed afloat until
He turned to the right and  left
dropping his gaze from Jesus
In his sinking, realizing he could not silence the
storm...he looked to Jesus and cried out " save me"
Immediately the Lord grabbed his hand
even in his weak faith, the Lord saved him.
When Peter was consumed with fear,
when the winds stirred
and the waves rose...
Jesus was still faithful to save those crying
out to Him
Today that is where my heart sits
trying to understand the surroundings
even trying to steady the storm
but He is not calling me to that
No, He is calling me unto Himself
Calling me to stretch out my hand to Him
in faith and rest
He will steady my steps as the storms surge
As I grope in the darkness for my next step 
He is my ever present Help
I know that He is good
I know that He alone is God
He is calling me to lift my  head
and set my gaze on Him.
I stand, though weary, on His promises
and through it all I praise Him
Even Now


Friday, February 8, 2013

I came across this picture tonight and felt  it was perfect for the
way that my world feels right now.
The road ahead is covered with unknowns.
It seems  the more I strain my eyes to catch a glimpse of
what tomorrow may hold the darker it grows.
Fear threatens to take up residence in my heart
I want to know what is around the next corner
Yet the reality of today is that the path is
dark and unknown
All I know is that He is in control
I bask in the few feet of light that He is giving me.
Sometimes I have found  myself sitting in a total blackout
Even in the darkest hours..His whispers of love echo
through the walls of my heart.
I know Who goes before me
I know that while my circumstances break my heart
and cause more questions than I will ever have answers for..
He is faithful
Tonight in the darkness I hold on to His promises
I choose to trust Him even now
When my heart longs to know when and why
I will reach for Him
I will continue praying for a glimpse of tomorrow
I will continue praying that Chloe and Eli will come home
I will continue praying that He will MOVE mountains for our family
but if nothing turns out the way I thought it would...I will still offer Him
my praise. For He is and always will be worthy of it ALL.

Monday, February 4, 2013

I choose to CELEBRATE

Chloe and Eli
Yesterday was YOUR birthday!
What an amazing day it was!
I had spent a lot of time this week being sad.
Sad that you weren't in our arms
Sad that you couldn't hear my voice sing happy birthday
There were so many things that I was focusing on that I was going
to be missing.
However, when I woke up yesterday, I didn't feel sad
Instead I felt a sense of JOY
You have been on this earth for THREE years
So many things have happened in your lives
So much loss, so many heartaches in your short three years
However, the Lord has kept you!
He has never left you alone.
He has proven in your precious lives that HE is a Father to the
fatherless. How He loves you with a love beyond measure!
Feb 3 2010 will always be an amazing special day!
Its the day that you were given life!
Its the day that God began your sweet stories here on this earth.
What a journey it has been.
I pray that soon I will be able to hold you in my arms and celebrate
every milestone from here on out. Until then, I have a peace that your Creator
has you firmly in His grip. You are LOVED Eli and Chloe!

Happy Birthday Sweet Babies!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Chloe and Eli

Sweet Babies
Feb 3
is your
"My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth"
Psalm 139:15
Today, we are going to take pictures ALL day so that you can know that we were thinking about you!!
Know that we love you more than you could ever know!
Even more...know that your Heavenly Father has loved your with a love beyond measure
You are SPECIAL and LOVED!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Devotion VS Deceit

Devotion :often selfless affection and dedication as to a person or principle; aherence
Deceit: the act or pratice of misrepresenting or concealing the truth;trickery; fraud 
By definition, these words appear to be in striking contrast to one another.
However,Sunday as I sat amoung the believers of my particular congregation
I was drawn to one word that our pastor used. He was quoting a verse from Luke 2 which
describes Simeon as a devout and righteous man. He then went on to define both of these words.
I began letting that one word..devout.. play around in my mind.
As quickly as it entered another word was rising in me
I immediately understood the purpose of this in my heart

I asked the Lord  under which definition  I fall
I struggle with performance based approval..I truly think I always have
I assumed people like me based on the way I looked, how well I could do
something or what I brought to the table. It took me about 29 years to realize...
people may just like me for me
However, while this is a lesson I have been learning with my peers it
happens to be an area with the Lord that apparently I haven't quite wrapped
my heart around. How could He love ME? I can quickly fall into my
performance based approval mode...which often leaves me void of true passion
and desire to serve the Lord but instead with a need to gain His approval.

In my case my heart truly desires to follow...not just believe in Jesus Christ
The Lord has shown me little by little what that actually
looks like. For so long I thought that it was about appearance. What could I
DO for the Lord. What a prideful attitude! I found myself counting church
attendance and involvement as my faith. I am not suggesting my heart wasn't
in this...no, in fact quite the opposite. I looked to the Lord and thought how
can I SHOW Him how much I love Him and my natural reaction was to DO
enough that He would value me.
It makes my heart sad to even write that because when I am still I know the
Father loves me based on NOTHING I have done or ever could do. However,
I deceived myself for years and struggle to this day feeling like I am devoted to the
Lord when in reality I am devoted to the church...the actual building and all that
it requires of me. I have been lost in my own deceit, so blided by my empty efforts.

I pray that God continues to remove the blinders from my eyes. I am grateful
that my Heavenly Father looks at me with eyes that are filled with compassion.
He watches lovingly as I strive to be enough
All the while speaking to my heart that I am enough because of His Son
I pray that I adhere to Him and His purpose.
I no longer want to settle

Isn't it great that God takes us as we are
He doesn't require the shiny polished version but instead He accepts all
of the cracks, dirt and our broken efforts and patiently strips away those things
that do not reflect Him. Loving us all the while


Friday, January 18, 2013

Do I fight or run for the Hills?

The deepest parts of my soul are spent
The battles seem to come day after day
I have been fighting and pushing back for so long
Its not even a consistent battle, there is no learning a stradegy to win
. No, in fact it comes in many
different forms. It often appears that when I'm about to  regain my stance
I am totally knocked out. I mean rock my world to the core knocked out.
Sometimes I just lay there for a while.The news, challenge,
or hurt has physically taken the breath from my lungs. I sinply lay there and wait
until the world around me stops spinning. Then, when I can stumble to my
feet, I go to my corner, bloody and beaten and I just
 pray that there is no bell to sound the next match...
at least not for today!

I have found myself lately just wanting to roll over and play dead
What a weak response to trial right?
Why yes...yes it is

These past two years have been more difficult than I could have ever imagined
I was not prepared for all that we would face
I had no idea how to handle most of what was thrown my way but
I've been able to put one foot in front of the other and just keep moving
Many days I found myself
 crying out to the Lord. I pleaded with Him to make it all go away
I begged Him to take the hurt away
Then, I  realized that isn't how it always works.
Sometimes the pain never goes away so He can continue to fill the wounds
with His healing mercy and grace

In the chaos
I was able to press hard into the chest of the Father. Crawl into His lap
 where I felt hidden from it all
and cry on His shoulders that were big enough to bare the weight of the world.
It was in those moments that He showed me how to fight
Many times I would fall into Him and beg Him to give me my next breath
and He would
He strengthened my steps day by day. As the battles came He made a
way in the darkness.
I remember when I was hit with  the most devestating and promising realization.
I was deep in pain and He genlty brought something to my heart.
Right before the moment my heart was broken, He was there
He allowed such pain into our lives yet held me all the while.
He never once left me. He knew that morning I woke up that my world would be
forever changed
That notion made me feel  betrayed. Why would God allow this
to happen in my life
Yet in the very next breath I was consumed by
 His presence. I knew and trusted His character
. I knew that while He allowed things to pass through His hands
His heart ached for me.
The fights of the past years have brought a new wave of endurance
A new understanding that pain and sorrow will come and He will remaind faithful
A new knowledge of what it feels like to have NOTHING under control yet know He
is working ALL things out for my good. and for the glory of His Name.

I would be lying if I said I didn't want to throw in the towel every now and then
Those things that I walked through have all been in preparation for this very moment in time
When things just seem too big and too chaotic. I know He is there.
He was faithful then and I know He goes before us even now

He, no matter the outcome of it all


Friday, January 11, 2013

Alyssa is TEN

Alyssa Hope

God blessed our family beyond measure when He chose to give
you to us!
I look at you and am amazed at the beautiful young lady that you are becoming
We can't wait to celebrate your special day tonight!!!
LOVE YOU Beautiful

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Week For HER

 I am taking a week off
This Friday is my daughter Alyssa's 10th birthday
It seems like yesterday when we were standing on the
bridge downtown with creepy Uncle Matt in the back ground
of this photo watching fireworks!
Time has FLOWN by!

This week is not going to be consumed by adoption hopes or disappointments
I have to take the focus off the things I can not control
and focus on the ones right in front of me
There is ALWAYS next week
My sweet husband and kiddos pointed out how I am obsessively checking my email
for updates on Chloe and Eli 
When Im in the car, Im checking my phone...when the kids are playing on the playground
my eyes are glued to the phone
When Im taking a bath, cooking dinner, sweeping, mopping, family movie night...
I've become one of THOSE MOMS :)
Now, I have convinced myself its for the other children
but that is coming to a STOP this week!
My sweet girl is turning TEN years OLD!
I can not believe it!
I want to make sure that I am 100% present this week
I do not want my worry or fear to take over her special birthday
I just keep telling myself it is ONE WEEK without updates.
I will check the mail for our i600 approval but other than that
Our family's focus this week will be Alyssa Hope :)

I wanted to update because my post on facebook stating that I would be stepping back
for a week caused many people to call, text or message me.
I didn't mean to alarm anyone.
For my family I need to step away and focus on them
We would ask that you continue to pray for Chloe and Eli.
We pray that you would cover our family in prayer in the coming days
We ask that you pray that we would continue feeling God's presence and His hand in
this journey. We thank each of you for loving our family
ps...don't judge if I play a game of bejewled every once in a while..
I have to keep up my mid level skills
( guilty pleasure)