Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Even In the VALLEY

 How easily praise spills from the lips of the one standing
on the mountaintop
I've been there many times
Praising the Lord, raising my hands and voice to boldly proclaim
all that He is. 
Telling the world just how good He has been to me
I shout His Name and rejoice in all that He has done
God is the God of the mountaintops right!?!
On those mountaintops I am "satisfied"
I claim to have a heart filled with devotion to Him
However, I now find myself asking
Is it true devotion to HIM
or is this devotion only to the One who orchestrates a life void of pain?

Far from the mountaintop is the lowest valley
Where the deafening sound of sorrow and pain fill the air
 What happens here?
What becomes of my praise to Him

When the world has taken almost all that made sense
When you feel  the Lord  had a one on one meeting with Satan himself
Will you  lift your hands in praise before the ones who seek you harm
and still proclaim that HE IS GOOD

How my heart has never ached in the way that it does now
My soul at times feels so worn and spent
However, one truth remains
even now

My heart is learning to be truly satisfied in Him alone
I can be hopeful because I know where my hope lies
I can look to my future and say not all is lost
because I know the One that redeems the years the
locusts have eaten.

The reality is that the valley is

A far greater reality is that
There is One that makes the broken things of this world

I must say that I can not always see the hand of God right now
but I FEEL Him. I know He is near to me. The valley is filled
with great sorrow but we know that sorrow lasts for the night...and JOY
comes in the morning.
Why do we mourn like those who have no HOPE?

I walk this road with confidence because I trust there is purpose in the valley
I pray that at the end of this  I look nothing like I do now
I pray that I am one step closer to the woman that He created me to be

SO today, I lift my hands in praise to Him
I boldly proclaim that HE IS FAITHFUL
He is loving
He is kind
He is close to the brokenhearted and
He is the GOD of my tomorrows


Friday, April 19, 2013

From the Bottom of My Heart

I can not thank each of you enough for all of the love and support that
you have shown over the past week.
My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude
I have received over 75 messages this week on facebook  
...countless phone calls, texts and emails and have
been attempting to respond to each....however, I've realized today that I can't
do it. Please know that my lack of an individual response is not a
reflection on my appreciation. I deeply appreciate every single kind
word. I have poured over the Scriptures that you have sent. I have
listened to some of the most amazing songs and sermons that so many of
you have suggested. They have flooded my soul with such beautiful
reminders that HE IS FAITHFUL!
At this time, I  find myself needing a little time to process.
I also appreciate the lunch, dinner, play date and vacation offers
someone even sent a vodka offer...( you know who you are :)
However, I am not in a place where I am ready for that right now.
I love that you each care enough to offer. Please know how grateful I am
and one day I will be happy to meet and grab a drink...probably diet coke :) but
I will be there one day...its just not today
The Lord has been placing some of the most amazing people in my life
for years who are here to walk this road with me.
 I've even added a few by force over the past
little bit :)
He has built around me a mighty fortress of friends and family that can
help carry me through this. Even with the priceless people He has placed
in my life I am having to lean solely on Him. At the end of the
day its just me and the Lord. He is my Sustainer...Strength..and
Comforter. He has to become my EVERYTHING and I have to be willing
to allow that.
So, please know that I am well taken care of but I need a little
time to be broken.
The greatest thing that you could do for me and my family at this time
is pray. If details elude you, that is most likely because I have not found it
important to share
So thank you again for all of your concern, your continual prayers and amazing support
It means the WORLD to me

Friday, April 12, 2013

They've always been HIS

This week I learned that Chloe and Eli will not be coming home

I will give no detail as this is private and very painful
I would appreciate you respecting my privacy during this time
and refrain from asking questions

I know that our journey to these two precious babies has been lived
so publicly. I know so many of you have loved us through each step
of this. Right now, I just ask for time and space.
My heart is breaking

I want each of you to know that I would appreciate your prayers for me
and my family. The losses seem too great.
However, I trust that the Father is working even now
 I trust that He will carry us through this

I choose to TRUST Him
because He faithful


Friday, April 5, 2013

He is Faithful


As I began this journey to Chloe and Eli I would have
never thought that I'd be sitting here tonight with empty
hands. I truly felt that I would be tucking two more precious
babies in the bed snuggling them close. I had pictured holding
their sweet faces in my hands and telling them every day forever
just how much they are loved. I can close my eyes and picture it now.
I had debated on bedtime songs and had landed firmly on
Jesus Loves Me & You are My sunshine
I wanted them to hear the name of Jesus and I wanted them to KNOW
his love for them...then you are my sunshine because I have been
singing that to my babies since Alyssa was born. Its a classic :)
I knew what I would say to them when I held them for the first time
I couldn't wait to land on DRC soil and know that this was the temporary home
that had held two of the most valuable treasures in my heart.
I can almost feel the weight of them in my arms. Their little hands on my
shoulder and their sweet cheeks pressed against mine. This is the aching heart of
a mommy.
I truly believed that the waiting and aching portion of the journey would be over
by now. I had it all planned out. I really did. I had bought them Christmas
pajamas and had hung them in their rooms. They would be home to celebrate
with us and i couldn't wait! Quickly that month faded into the next and into
the next. Now its April and the reality is that my reality is nothing like
I thought it would be.
Every day I open my eyes to a new hurt
a new loss has taken place of the one that yesterday brought
At times I sense the waters rising so high and at times they
threaten to overtake me. However, it is now that I cling to Him
While the earth seems to be unsteady and constantly giving way
around me...He is faithful!
Please know that He is good! Even in the midst of the unclear He is so
faithful. He allows the waters to rage yet He gives
a peace in the midst of it all. One that truly passes ALL
understanding.  He alone is good and He
alone is God. We truly live in a fallen world.
Sin affects us all.
 The sins
of others fall on us and change our world forever.
 Children don't come home,
families crumble, people break, wars wage, good people die, friendships end,
...The earth GIVES way
While those things around us seem to come at a rapid pace
and consume us...let us, in our pain, offer a sacrifice of praise to
the Father. For HE is GOOD.
I want people to look at my life and know that I believe that
Even when it all seems to fall apart I praise Him for I know He
has not abandoned me
I believe with ALL of my heart that God redeems those
places in our lives that seem so very broken.
He makes all things new!